Friday, September 19, 2008

Cold Sores And Fever Blisters Are Caused By A Virus


Cold sore home remedy - cold sores or fever blisters are not only ugly and annoying, but they are downright painful. Some people are very prone to getting a cold sore or a fever blister if they have a cold or run a fever, while others never get one.

The lips are very sensitive. - nobody knows why this is true, but it is. If you can kill the virus, then the cold sore or fever blister will heal up and go away. Cold sores and fever blisters are caused by a virus. Killing the virus is the problem. The easiest and quickest source of camphor can be found in Campho - phenique, which is manufactured by Bayer.

Camphor is the best possible home remedy for cold sores and fever blisters. - it can be purchased in liquid form or in a gel. Extracting the oil can be a difficult process. The natural source of camphor is from a tree in Asia. Other home remedies used to treat cold sores and fever blisters is to apply ice to them and alternate the ice with a hot tea bag or a poultice made of green tea leaves. Break a leaf, extract the gel. inside, and apply it to the cold sore or fever blister. The gel found in the leaves of the aloe vera plant is effective in the treatment of cold sores and fever blisters as well.

Applying fingernail polish remover to a cold sore or fever blister can help as well. - lemon balm extract is effective in helping to heal a cold sore, or herpes breakout, fever blister. The fingernail polish needs to be the kind that contain acetone. A diet that is rich in foods that contain abundant amounts of zinc is another home remedy for treating cold sores and fever blisters. Oysters are the best source of zinc, but zinc is also found in poultry, whole grains, beans, and dairy products.

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